Margaret Ough nee Dealy

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Margaret was the daughter and , third child of Thomas Kirkman Dealy and Anna May Ough , born 3rd February 1907 at the Peak Hospital in Hong Kong. She lived in Hong Kong at Craigman East on the Peak until about 1916 and then moved to Adelaide for hospital treatment.
Whilst living with her mother in Adelaide her two brothers Frank and Sydney attended Roseworthy Agricultral College until they joined the AIF in 1916.
Both brothers were killed in 1918 during the Great War.
Margaret then moved with her parents first to the UK ( Torquay) and then to Grenoble in France. where her father had been appointed to a lectureship at the University. Margaret attended school in France and gained her bacelauriate in 1922.
After the death of her father in 1924 she returned to the UK with her mother. Eventually she found her way to Mexico and married Walter Glanville Ough in 1931. She lived the rest of her life in Mexico, Jamaica and New Zealand.

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Margaret OughRecollections 
Eulogy October 2000
Ough Family Memories

Copyright of all parts of site is owned by M.& M.M. Ough Dealy
This page last modified on Wednesday, 3 August, 2021