Super Gran and Sadie
                      Auckland 1994

At 61 years of age, I decided that the time had come to be independent. No more waiting for buses, begging for lifts, or hoping that 'our' car would be at my disposal whenever it was needed.

Taking advantage of my husband's absence overseas on a business trip, I did the rounds of the motor bike and scooter dealers. There I found my salvation - 13 SAD - a cheeky red Honda 50cc scooter, capable of doing 45k's downhill with the wind behind it. Not that I achieved that exhilarating speed immediately.

In my early 20's, broken hearted at .splitting up with my boyfriend, I . uncharacteristically spent my accumulated savings on a powerful Lambretta and three lovely, expensive dresses. This did wonders for my morale as I was then a free agent in more ways than . one.

So, 40 years on, I again donned a crash helmet, found an empty car park behind the Honda. dealer's shop and set off in some trepidation to prove to myself that I could still ride a scooter.

15k' s an hour doesn' t sound fast, but it was terrifying. Nevertheless I decided to buy 13 SAD. The dealer fortunately agreed to deliver the machine, as I hadn't the courage to drive it from Manukau City to Howick.

The next few weeks saw me making short trips every day, grimly determined to overcome my nervousness and master the mac ne before my husband returned.

Now, I sally forth whenever I choose. Only gale force winds deter me. I can thoroughly recommend scooters. They' re a wonderful way to meet men, from tottering toddlers who look up at me with awe, to teenage boys who want to buy Sadie, through to more mature men who obviously think I'm a bit of a character.

The only people who are not impressed, are nubile teenage girls, flirting their luxuriant locks as Sadie the scooter hums closer and closer. The girls turn round slowly, seductively. - and then see Super Gran bearing down on them. What a disappointment!

I don' t care - I'm free.


Minnie's Memories 

Copyright of all parts of this site is owned by M.& M.M. Ough Dealy
This page last modified on Monday, 16 August 2021