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The site was started to record just the history of family members with the surname Ough (pronounced "O" as in "though") who were part of the Cornish mining community living in Mexico. However, as the family tree was explored the site had to be expanded to cover many other branches of the family tree . Strong family connections have been discovered to relatives and ancestors in the United Kingdom, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada, France, Holland, Hong Kong and Australia. The web site has now become a repository for all kinds of historical and archival material about an unusual British/French/Mexican family.

We have found that the original members of the Mexican side of the Ough family are directly connected by close blood and marriage ties to other families with the following surnames: Alexander, Asher, Baker, Brown, Deakin, Dealy, Decouflet, Demolin, Evans, Glanville, Gibson, Guerard, Harris, Lafitte, Leggett, Ough, Plaxton, Savery, Shopland, Taylor, Telfer, Todd, Simpson, Smith, Rodriguez, Romero, Rule, Yandle, Ward-Harris and White.

The site is now intended mainly to preserve and present a record  about the Ough family and relatives with close family links. Hopefully it will also benefit the younger members of the family by providing an insight into the lives of earlier generations and where they have come from.

To quote Cicero :"Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever"

Importantly the site serves as a memorial to family members who have passed on, but especially for those who served to promote and defend freedom, democracy and equality before the law.

The short tragic lives of Frank Ough Dealy and Sydney Thomas Ough Dealy are recorded. The brothers were killed on active service with the ANZACS in World War 1, Frank Dwelly is also remembered. He died whilst serving in RAF Bomber Command in World War 2. Letters and pictures produced by Andre Guerard whilst on active service with the French Infantry can also be found on this site. He and his family also survived World War 2 as residents of occupied France. He wrote over 1000 letters to his wife , many from the trenches, during the terrible years of the Great War. Adolf Demolin is another respected member of the family who served as a Poilu during WW1 and survived to become Mayor of the village of La Madeleine in Normandy and endured, as such, the occupation of France during WW2

The site continues to be developed. Minnie Ough Dealy has added more material to her memoirs. Other recent material includes items about Lucy Todd, Georgette Deakin and Sylvia Shopland. Lucy's memoire describes the sacrifices she made whilst her husband Kenneth was a POW on the Infamous Burma Rail road during WW2. He was a doctor with the RAMC having been captured by the Japanese when Singapore fell in 1942.

George Deakin's diaries are now being added. These provide a valuable insiight to the life and times of a former  Master and departmental head at Christ's Hospital  School who went on to work in the development of  technical education in Sarawak and Brunei during the 1960's. During that time Georgette Deakin was awarded the MBE for services to the Red Cross.

Our most recent additions to the site include a story about an unsung hero (Saving a Life)  and another about the Deakin/Rhead connection under the link Evening of Life. The latter includes a remarkable pair of portraits done in stained glass..

A new section is being set up to further cover the Dealy side of the family. New relatives with links to ancestors who lived in Sheffield have recently come to light. Material contributed by Pat Brown ( nee Dealy) and Anne King (nee Dealy ) who live in Western Australia and Chris Dealy who is in Cornwall is now being added. Our most recent family contact is Guy Harris in The Netherlands.   We hope to add information about his family connection in due course

We have completely reworked the old version (version 2.1) of the site. Our hope is that you will agree that this new version (version 3.2) is a considerable improvement not only for the presentation and its contents, but also its responsiveness across the majority of modern viewing platforms.

Do enjoy this site. If you have any comments please contact us. Suggestions for improving it will be particularly welcome.

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Copyright of all parts of site is owned by M.& M.M. Ough Dealy
This page last modified on Monday 28 February 2022

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